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Our copyediting services connect you with highly skilled copyeditors who work on every detail of your text to fix factually incorrect information, punctuation and ensure all-around consistency.
So you’re done with the structural book editing of your manuscript and want a professional copyeditor to work on the small details and ensure accuracy and consistency. We help you fix these errors and ensure you get the best-edited version of your book draft.
A poorly edited book can hugely affect your chances of getting noticed by literary agents and publishers. It can be even more annoying if your readers find out that you have missed out on noticeable errors in your book. To save you from this disaster, we’ve gathered a professional and skilled team of copy editors who work closely with you and deliver a polished manuscript.
Choosing our copyediting services will be the best thing you’ll do for your manuscript! We help you select the best copy editor from our team based on the type of your book and the skills you expect.
To make your books, content, and documents shine through the pages, copyediting is crucial because it purifies your drafts of confusing texts, misspelled words, wrong usage of words, and other errors in the text. If you’re getting your book copyedited, our editors recommend getting your book through a round of line or developmental editing to make sure the major errors aren’t there and that it’s ready to be copyedited.
For other types of drafts including content, eBooks, medical papers, and personal documents, copyediting is the main step that our editors carefully take your papers through and ensure a clearly edited draft.
Copyediting improves the inconsistencies, word choice, and spelling and punctuation errors in a manuscript. Our leading editing and proofreading services help authors improve the quality of their manuscripts and make their Amazon publishing process easy. Our copy editing services include:
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Simply put, copyediting comes as the next step after the content of your book draft has been edited for significant issues. Copyediting deals with minor issues like inconsistencies in the text, spelling and punctuation errors, and works on the style guides. For example, a copyeditor can detect any odd changes in the color of your character’s hair throughout the story or fact-check important information to ensure accuracy.
Proofreading is the last step of the editing process, which is the final check. It deals with mistakes left during editing a manuscript and works on the typos, typesetting, and formatting to perfect the quality.
The cost of copyediting depends on the length of a book, word count, deadline, and the number of revisions you want. The editing costs are also determined by the experience, skills, and services offered by a professional editor and how long the editor has been in the industry. Our professional copy editors charge on a per-word, per hour, or per-project basis.
Our basic copyediting charges are:
Yes. That’s exactly what we have been doing for our long-term clients who have achieved enormous success with their books. We deal with all the aspects of editing required in your draft and work closely with our customers to exchange feedback and suggestion between them and our editors. We address basic and complex writing errors effectively and polish every element of your manuscript. We provide the following editing services:
We provide copy editing services for the following types of book drafts:
Each professional editor has a specific set of skills and experiences that make them better suited to serve particular clients and projects, and no editor is better than the other. Keeping this in mind, here are a few things to consider when finding an editor for your manuscript:
Not a problem. You’re most welcome to contact us and send back your final draft if you’re not satisfied. We offer unlimited revisions for our valued clients to ensure they’re heard and dealt with carefully. Make sure you communicate your concerns in a timely fashion and tell us what changes you want. Once we know we have edited and formatted the book according to your needs, we’ll send you the revised draft. We stay with you throughout the editing process to ensure your full satisfaction.
An unprofessional copy editor may share the details of your project to attract new clients and breach your rights in the process. We take pride in saying that all the information and manuscripts you provide us remain strictly confidential.
We follow professional editing and publishing standards to ensure that the excerpts from your book aren’t used elsewhere without your knowledge.